Friday, February 19, 2010

The Free PMS Reminder

Want to know when your wife or girlfriend is about to "have that time of month"? Well now you do via the free service:

Frozen Norway

3 facts on Norway

* Two of the top ten deadliest rainstorms ever recorded passed through Lofoten.

* In Svolvaer, the sun (midnight sun) is above the horizon from May 25 to July 17, and in winter the sun does not rise from December 4 to January 7.

* Norway ranks as the wealthiest country in the world in monetary value, with the largest capital reserve per capita of any nation.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Hyena Man - this guy is nuts!

Seeing Dots


Moving - The Ultimate Bachelor-Star-Galactica Pad

[15:55] mike bolton: face it
[15:55] mike bolton: you love the IS
[15:55] mike bolton: best neighborhood
[15:56] mike bolton: in this shithole city
[15:56] mike bolton: shithole coast
[15:56] tferguson06: ha
[15:56] tferguson06: funny
[15:56] tferguson06: cause your the dumbass who lives here and thinks it sucks
[15:56] tferguson06: only a moron stays somewhere they hate
[15:56] tferguson06: aka = you
[15:56] mike bolton: no i like it here
[15:56] mike bolton: 'like'
[15:56] mike bolton: its OK here
[15:56] tferguson06: [15:56] mike bolton: in this shithole city
[15:56] mike bolton: i need to go utside more
[15:57] tferguson06: read above
[15:58] tferguson06: ?
[16:02] mike bolton: yeah man its going to be great
[16:02] mike bolton: 1br
[16:02] mike bolton: no more living with roommates
[16:02] mike bolton: the ultimate bachelor-star-galactica pad
[16:04] tferguson06: hahahahahahaha!
[16:04] tferguson06: thats awesome!
[16:04] mike bolton: ladies everywhere
[16:05] mike bolton: as usual
[16:05] mike bolton: i wont have to worry about stepping on my roommates used heroin needle
[16:08] tferguson06: you could have lived with me
[16:08] tferguson06: you really f'd that onhe up
[16:08] tferguson06: $700
[16:08] mike bolton: you said $1000
[16:10] mike bolton: you dont wanna live with me man
[16:10] mike bolton: im paranoid
[16:10] tferguson06: prob not
[16:10] tferguson06: don;t want to get ass raped in the middle of the night
[16:10] mike bolton: you'd come home to me wearing a tinfoil hat and hididng under the bed with a knife every night
[16:12] tferguson06: hahahaha
[16:12] tferguson06: jesus!

Orion Nebula

Bordeaux - Saint Michel cathedral