Friday, March 26, 2010

Bad Day at the Office

Courtesy of Gregory Dodge Robinson via in realty, Greg shouldn't get any credit for this, but he thinks if he forwards a link to me it was HIS link.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Kentucky - Quote of the Year

[12:40] canicemurphy: just got the whiskey
[12:40] canicemurphy: really, really far too kind
[12:40] tferguson06: did you drink it all yet?
[12:41] canicemurphy: hellz no
[12:41] canicemurphy: it had to bee pretty expensive
[12:42] canicemurphy: its from fucking kentucky
[12:42] tferguson06: hahahahahahaa]
[12:42] canicemurphy: where the men are men and the sheep are nervous
[12:42] tferguson06: hahahaha

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Snowboard vs Subaru Rally

Feeding Virtual Hungry Goldfish

Want to play a time burning game? Move around tank w/o touching goldfish... hint - click to drop food that distracts the fish

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Guinness Art

Chinatown = Cheap Eats

San Francisco Chinatown. On the surface = dirty, crowded, no sense of personal space. There is an organized madness underneath what we see on a daily basis. There are people who hold their culture close to their hearts. What may seem like a mess to American's, is their lifestyle.

One of the reasons (besides being one of the most densely populated areas in the entire US ) for the constant crowds in Chinatown is they shop for the food on a daily basis. Unlike the middle America culture of Super WalMart's and the like, they shop for food now - not next week. This affords the food vendors with a rare opportunity to get the produce, poultry and meat for cheap. They can buy in bulk and unload almost all the food in 1 day. They also can buy the fruits, veggies, etc. when they are ripe and when stores like Safeway do not want ripe fruit (because if they do not sell that day, it is wasted). This allows them to purchase and the resell the food at a rate that will baffle the mind.

I got 2 whole LIVE crabs in Chinatown a week back for $13! They were amazing. Also bought pounds of fresh fruit and vegetables for a fraction of the cost I spend at Safeway. The fruit and veggies are also bigger, many times organic and a huge selection.

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