Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You Fly Like an Asshole

I'm thinking of starting a blog titled "You Fly Like an Asshole" - due to an incident as of late when flying from Portland to San Francisco. I specifically got/requsted the Emergency Exit row as I'm taller. It's a 1.5 hr flight - very short, but still. This young woman comes to the seat next to me and proceeds to put her "carry on luggage" under the seat/s in front of her. Since it's an Emerg Exit row, there are no bars under the seats in front of you. So this f'in bag take her side and half mine!

She says "sorry, feel free to put you feet on it if you like."

At first, being a nice person I decide not to put my feet on her bad and have them way to the right pressing against the side rail. After some time and a glass of vino, I decide fuck it - why not! So hanging there - watching Big Trouble in Little China and don't care that my legs are crossed and feet laying very relaxed on top her bag...see pics.

The worst part - the flight wasn't full and the only thing in the storage rack above us was my laptop case...her bag would have EASILY fit and there would still be extra room up there for even another bag.

You Fly Like an Asshole!


1 comment:

  1. ha! http://flightclub.jalopnik.com/how-not-to-be-an-asshole-when-you-fly-1629680541
